






create table student(
stuid number(4) primary key,
stuname nvarchar2(20) not null,
stusex char(2) check(stusex='男' or stusex='女'),
stuage number(3) default 20,
stuphone char(11) not null

create table stu_backup(
stuname nvarchar2(20) not null,
stuage number(3) default 20,
stuphone char(11) not null

insert into stu_backup select s.stuname,s.stuage,s.stuphone from student s
select * from stu_backup;

alter table student add(stubirthday date);
insert into student(stuid,stuname,stusex,stuage,stuphone)

insert into student(stuid,stuname,stusex,stuphone)

insert into student(stuid,stuname,stusex,stuphone)

insert into student values(1003,'邓展南','女',18,'15945687985',sysdate);

insert into student values(1004,'刘勇','女',28,'15945687989',sysdate);

insert into student values(1005,'罗毅','男',16,'15945687977',to_date('1998-11-11','yyyy-mm-dd'));

insert into student values(1006,'学霸','女',20,'15945686977',to_date('1994-11-11 12:23:23 ','yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss'));

select * from student;

update student set stuage=25;
update student set stuage=25 where stuid=1000;
update student set stubirthday=to_date('1980-12-12 11:45:23','yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss'),stuphone='13245678965'
where stuid=1000;

delete from student;
delete student;
delete student where stuid=1006;
truncate table student;

select * from student for update;
select * from student where stuid=1000;
select student.stuname,student.stuage from student where student.stuid=1000;
select distinct stusex from student;
select s.stuid  "stuno",s.stuname "stuname"  from student s;
select * from student order by stuage desc;
create table new_studnet as select * from student;
select * from new_studnet;

select stuname||'的年龄是'||stuage as "学生的年龄" from student;

--group by分组,如果你的查询语句里有了group by,那么select的后面
--只能查询group by后面的列,或者是聚合函数
select e.deptno from emp e group by e.deptno;

select e.deptno from emp e group by e.deptno having e.deptno=10;

select from 表名 where group by having order by

select * from student;
select s.stuage 没加5岁前, s.stuage+5 加了5岁后 from student s;
select mod(3,5) from dual; --用到一个数据函数

--还可以用到比较运算符(=,!=,>,<,>=,<=,<>),between ..and ,in .like,is null,is not null
select * from student s where s.stuage>=20;
select * from student s where s.stuage>=15 and s.stuage<=20;
select * from student s where s.stuage between 15 and 20;
select * from student s where s.stuage in(15,18);
select * from student s where s.stuage=15 or s.stuage=18;
select * from student s where s.stubirthday is null;
select * from student s where s.stubirthday is not null;
--查询学生表里名字是以 李 开头的
select * from student s where s.stuname like '李__';
--查询中的逻辑运算符(and ,or,not)
select * from student s where s.stuage>15 and s.stubirthday is not null;

select abs(100),abs(-100) from dual;
select sign(100),sign(-100),sign(0) from dual;

select ceil(-3.1) from dual;
select floor(3.1) from dual;
select round(5555.6666,2.5) from dual;

select sysdate  hz from dual;
select systimestamp  hz from dual;

select * from student;
select max(stuage) from student;
select min(stuage) from student;
select avg(stuage) from student;
select sum(stuage) from student;
select count(*) from student;

select deptno, count(empno) from emp group by deptno
-- 先根据部门编号来分组,然后求出每个部门的工资的最大值,最小值,平均值
select e.deptno, max(e.sal),min(e.sal),avg(e.sal) from emp e group by e.deptno having avg(e.sal)>2000;
select * from emp where deptno=30;

select e.ename,e.deptno,e.sal,rank() over(partition by e.deptno order by e.sal) "rank"
 from emp e;
select e.ename,e.deptno,e.sal,dense_rank() over(partition by e.deptno order by e.sal) "dense_rank"
 from emp e;
 select e.ename,e.deptno,e.sal,row_number() over(partition by e.deptno order by e.sal) "row_number"
 from emp e;



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